We should not be surprised if at times the Christian life is not easy. Jesus and John the Baptist both suffered. All the Apostles suffered. We too face difficulties and frustrations as individuals and families [health, work, finance, relationships]. We face problems as congregations.When difficult times come it’s helpful to remember our past experiences of…
On the fourth Sunday of Lent Francis brought the fourth message in the series ‘Engaging the Reality of God’ by trusting he accepts us as sinners.
Includes a feedback/question form to the pastor.
This message begins a series of talks on Knowing God that will run through to Pentecost. On Transfiguration Sunday Francis brought out what the set readings show about knowing God and the ways people can avoid actually knowing him.
This week Francis continued looking at Baptism to build understanding. He considered it in relation to koinonia-fellowship before linking it to communion. The message: Baptism marks, signs and seals one in the koinonia-fellowship of Christ’s church and communion feeds and sustains one in the koinonia-fellowship.