At Trinity Church Eindhoven, we worship because we desire to glorify God with a unified voice, in spirit and truth, as our response to God’s grace. In this we wish to be elevated, ushered into the presence of the Lord.
We see worship as a way of life and could be described as our full-life response – head, heart and hands – to who God is and what He has done.
Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is – his good, pleasing and perfect will
Romans Chapter 12 Verses 1-2
When we gather as a congregation our services use various mediums with which to guide and enrich our corporate worship — such as liturgy, prayer, scripture, offerings and song. For the music team, this usually means leading the congregation in song, but can also involve reading scripture or bringing other encouragement to the congregation.
Musical Style
As an international church we draw on a broad mix of contemporary Christian music, Taizé songs, and hymns (traditional, modern, and ‘revisited’). We sometimes do entire services in a particular style, or we may choose to combine styles in a single service. Our main language is English, but we sometimes bring in other languages for special occasions.
We choose songs with lyrics that enable us to:
- Be open to God in all modes (Father, Son, and Spirit)
- Honour the greatness of God
- Give praise to Jesus Christ
- Give thanks to God and acknowledge His love for us
- Repent and turn to God
- Offer up ourselves in our daily lives
- Lament — sometimes
- Mark seasonal or occasional themes (such as Advent, Christmas and Lent, through to Pentecost)
Together with our pastor, we consider the words we sing and offer in worship to ensure they are theologically sound.
Lead Worship Team
We are a close-knit and versatile group of singers and musicians who are all striving to become closer to God in our daily lives. In addition to practicing on Sunday mornings before the services, we meet on a monthly basis to rehearse, deepen our understanding of worship and our relationship with God, and enjoy fellowship with each other.
The leader of the team is Kees Poldervaart.

Photo gallery of the music team, click on an image to enlarge.