Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.
Romans Chapter 12 Verse 1
Opportunities to serve Trinity Church
Our church thrives with the service of every member. We encourage you to be part of a ‘ministry team’ — whether it is pouring coffee, helping with the children, being involved in musical worship leading, welcoming visitors, or one of the other service areas, everyone has something to contribute.
Whether you intend to be here for a few months or many years there are always opportunities to serve. Your gifts and serving heart may bless the life and ministry of our church now. Taking the opportunity to serve will help you grow and deepen your fellowship within our church.
Ministries to Trinity Church:
These ministries are all open to new members at any time. Most teams have some sort of roster to enable regular service. Occasionally there may be an urgent need for new members which we will let you know through the Blog and Newsletter. Contact the team leader or speak to anyone at church if you’d like to get involved.

Welcome Team
Greeting people at the door and helping newcomers to know what is happening and get involved. This is a great opportunity to get to meet everyone. Team leader: Roger Kaiser
Coffee Team
Setting up refreshments for after the service, pouring coffee and clearing up afterwards – another great opportunity to get to know people. Team leaders: Nathan, Monica Daniel
Practical Helps Team
From time to time members of Trinity Church need practical help, especially meals e.g. when a baby arrives or there is sickness or surgery in the household. Members of this team will be contacted to volunteer to bring meals or help when the needs are known. Team leader: Liesbeth Janssen
Stepping Stones (Créche for 0-3s)

Help with a simple programme for our smallest members and care for them during the service. Team leader: Manju Sara Jacob.
KidZchurch (4-10s)
Being part of the large team who lead a creative programme of worship, drama, games, group work, crafts, Bible and prayer for our large children’s group. Team leaders: Rani Joseph, Sinar Juliana
1Tim4Twelve (11-13s)
Being part of a small team who are involved in helping grow our younger youth in setting an example in their speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. Team leader: Divya Charline.
TYDE (14-18s)
This small team accompany our older youth in their journey towards being Christian young adults, able to stand in their faith and seek support from their Christian sisters and brothers to keep on growing. Team leader: Oliver Tse
Music Team
The music team leads and supports the congregation in expressing worship through song utilising a wide range of musical instruments. Team leader: Kees Poldervaart

Beamer Team
This involves setting up the laptop each Sunday and keeping up-to-date with our Open-LP projection system. Their alert service during our worship keeps us all on track. Team leader: Thomas John
Sound Team
These team members often work in pairs, especially for training. They set up the microphones and instrument connections and adjustments needed to ensure the music enables us to worship and the speakers are clearly heard as well as recording the sermons. Team leader: Bobby Daniel
Scripture Readers
If you have a clear expressive voice and the time to carefully prepare a Bible reading you may want to join this large team. Team leader: Melissa Tse
Cleaning Team
This is behind the scenes essential work. Cell groups often volunteer to clean but we sometimes need those who can come together and clean the church on other weeks. Team leader: Sathya

Website & Newsletter Content Editorial Team
The editorial team looks after gathering and publishing content on the website and email newsletters. All the news, events, articles and information about Trinity Church, and the wider world, which will be of interest to the Trinity Church congregation and Trinity friends around the world. Content for the website and newsletter (which replaces the previous Sunday Sheet) is integrated, as the newsletter is generated via the website software.
The editorial team is always looking for interesting content to publish on the website and/or share via a newsletter. If you are looking after an event, or have an interesting item which may be relevant for publishing on the website or sending out via a newsletter, please contact the editorial team.