English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Welcome to Trinity Church Eindhoven

We are an English-speaking international church seeking to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ

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True Religion!

The Pharisees sought to exhibit their religion. They were attention seekers, presenting themselves as godly, but their inward motivation was always questionable. Although they claimed to adhere to the laws, their laws were man-made, heavy, and difficult to follow. More than that, these laws kept them away from the law given by the Lord. Thus,…

Trinity Church’s Annual Holiday Bible Club

History Back in 2013 a request was put to the church council regarding running a holiday bible club.A minimum of ten leaders were required before it would be launched — and after the first Sunday of asking exactly ten people came forward to offer their time and talents – we took this as God opening a door for us to share His…

Miracles are signs!

Jesus performed many miracles during His earthly ministry, but John, in his gospel, records only seven of them, referring to them as signs. These signs serve as markers, directing us to our Lord Jesus. Wonders and miracles astonish us and fill us with awe. However, when we witness miracles in our lives, which are the work of God, whether small or large,…

The Bread of Life

The day after Jesus miraculously fed five thousand men, many people eagerly sought Him, but their reasons were misguided. They were focused on their physical needs, which is understandable. However, Jesus explained that He came from heaven to offer eternal life, and they could receive this life by believing in Him. He said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to…

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