This is the short teaching given at the second communion service during pandemic time. What does Altar, Table and Sacrifice mean?
Mark hill dives into the inner life of the disciple where Fear, Love and Trust engage.
This is a prophetic message from Pastor Francis for the church to discern. Bubbles may be burst and confidence dented. Please listen or read carefully.
After 3 months of separation 16 people were able to gather for holy communion. The short sermon is available only on audio. It is preceded by a reading from Luke 22:14-23.
Mark Hill unmuted his microphone to present a Trinity Sunday message which held the week that was, the beauty of the doctrine and three points of application beginning with ‘H’ all together. The full audio is available with a PDF of the slides that Mark referred to. Enjoy!
On Pentecost Sunday Francis spoke his congregation from all over the world about recognising the Holy Spirit. That might sound simple but as if a consequence of Babel, the words ‘Spirit’ and ‘Holy’ are understood in very different ways. This message tries to make it Biblical and simple.
In the 10th week of Lockdown we marked the Sunday between Ascension and Pentecost. It was a liminal time between phases of faith and experiences of Jesus. This message appreciates Jesus’ prayer in John 17, often described as ‘The high priestly Prayer of Jesus’ as a prayer showing his heart for his friends and what…
In Resurrection Time Jesus appeared to his disciples. So how might we see the Lord? In this message Francis opens the readings for Easter 6 to hear what Paul says about where not to look and Jesus promises to be found. The pictures referred to on the audio may be seen in the PDF.
In the 8th week of our Intelligent Lockdown, Francis applies the words of Jesus spoken to people being prepared to live in flux between ‘Old Normal’ and ‘New Normal’: “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms.” Is this relevant in our ongoing Corona Crisis?
The conversation between Bible and Newspaper continues into the 7th week of lockdown. The question arises: Will we simply to back to being church as we were? Might God have a purpose for his church in this disruption? How might we discern that? Read on or play the audio.