While reflecting on the tragedy of exile in Babylon Isaiah took Israel to task and upgraded her vision on who her Lord was. Fast forward to today and this provided the deep foundation for science as we know it today. Improbable? Read on or listen to Francis on audio.
This 12 minute audio brings the third teaching on Communion during the eased lockdown. Today we ask: When does communion happen?
Speaking on-line via Zoom, Jan Waterschoot interpreted Jesus’ Parable of the Sower. The short audio recording follows below.
Paul opens his inner life and Jesus exposes that of people who look like they are in the game but really are not. Getting it together and being aligned is the path of rest Jesus calls us to. It requires we take his yoke and follow him.
Jan Waterschoot grapples with the horror of a Father being asked to sacrifice his only son. Is this really what God wants?
This is the short teaching given at the second communion service during pandemic time. What does Altar, Table and Sacrifice mean?
Mark hill dives into the inner life of the disciple where Fear, Love and Trust engage.
This is a prophetic message from Pastor Francis for the church to discern. Bubbles may be burst and confidence dented. Please listen or read carefully.
After 3 months of separation 16 people were able to gather for holy communion. The short sermon is available only on audio. It is preceded by a reading from Luke 22:14-23.
Mark Hill unmuted his microphone to present a Trinity Sunday message which held the week that was, the beauty of the doctrine and three points of application beginning with ‘H’ all together. The full audio is available with a PDF of the slides that Mark referred to. Enjoy!