Exodus is a powerful demonstration of what can happen when people are led by God with an human leader. Francis pulls out one lesson for churches facing change from Exodus 14.
We are a church of diversity. What happens when Jesus speaks clearly about something that we might have very strong feelings about? Perhaps even different perspectives? Read on or play the audio.
Two powerful stories of God’s call upon mere mortals is viewed through Paul’s advice to Timothy. This was our first Hybrid service with the sermon preached to a live and online congregation. We consider God’s call on Moses and Peter and how they experienced that.
Mark Hill brought a compelling message from a key moment in Jesus’ mission and ministry. The recording is available but suffered some audio failures. Some perseverance may be necessary.
Jesus cuts like a hot knife through soft butter to distinguish the traditions of people from the Words of God. This exposes the garden of the heart and what lives there to either bless or defile through the mouth. Francis opens up an encounter between Jesus, the Pharisees and his disciples which lays bare the…
This is the 5th assume nothing type homily on Holy Communion offered during Lockdown. It only comes in audio format. On the day the recording did not work so the recording was taken later during a re-run.
On a hot morning Francis spoke from the stories of Elijah and Peter as people who soared in faith and sank in doubt. The question of Jesus come to us all: Why do you doubt?” Why indeed? The audio will offer more.
On their last Sunday in the Netherlands Joe and Anna brought this message to the church on-line. It’s personal and it’s challenging.
In this fourth Communion Service adapted to lockdown Francis continued asking basic questions about Holy Communion. This time he asked ‘where’ does the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ? This involved tracing a shift of perspective followed in the Reformation and reflected strongly in our Anglican prayers. Only an audio is…
In Matthew chapter 13 a string of Jesus’ parables of the Kingdom are found with a concluding statements about how a wise householder considered the Kingdom. This is the springboard for consideration of Life in the Kingdom of God during a pandemic.