English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Your faith has made you well

With the stories from the Gospel of Mark about Jesus’ healing of the woman with the haemorrhage and the raising of the dead daughter of a synagogue leader as focal point, Jan emphasized the importance of faith to us. He also stressed how Jesus dared to go against social norms, rules, and religious laws to…

Faith over fear

Examining the passage in Mark 4:35-41 about Jesus calming the storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jaap encouraged us to put our faith in Christ when faced with the storms of this life. Trusting in God means believing that He is with us and that He is in control.

The battle of having been born

“The battle of having been born” has nothing to do with you personally. The tension between righteousness and evil is real and present and every person alive is part of this war. All the struggles, sicknesses, and conflicts we face are part of this battle of having been born. Because of this, there is never…

Oozing Christians

Using the imagery of a sponge, Hsiang-Ling spent her sermon explaining to us how the Holy Spirit wants to commission us to be God’s salt and light in the earth. God’s willingness to give us this commission is evident from the Bible, but we must willingly receive it. “If we want to be ‘oozing Christians’,…

Up, up, but not away

Following Ascension Day, Sam reflected on what it means that Jesus has ascended to the Father. This event signaled the coming age of the Spirit, confirmed at Pentecost. Jesus can now be with all his disciples worldwide through the guiding and teaching presence of the Holy Spirit.


“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you.” [John 15:9a] Jesus loves us as much as the Father loves Him. The power and depth of this statement are profound. In a wonderful sermon, Divya explained how this knowledge should motivate us to both abide in His love and remain obedient to His…


This Sunday, Dennis Woodward of Mission to Seafarers was our guest preacher. He delivered a beautiful, engaging sermon on Jesus calming the storm in Mark chapter 4, weaving in his ministry experiences with those working at sea.

The Gate for the Sheep

In John 10, Jesus claims to be “the gate for the sheep” and “the good shepherd”. Through Him, we are included in God’s flock and have a personal relationship with our Creator. He laid down His life for us, His sheep, and we are to follow His example by laying down our lives in the…

The Easter Encounters

On this third Sunday of Easter, Sam van Leer took us on a further journey along the Easter encounters of Jesus’ disciples with their risen Lord. These “peak experiences” transformed a small, scared group of followers into powerful messengers of the Word.