English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Sermon – February 23 , 2025

Have Faith in Jesus!

Christian life is hard.  It often seems as though we expect life to be a smooth highway without bumps or curves. However, the truth is that life is filled with loss, failure, illness, difficult decisions, and heartache. At times, our life on earth can become so hard that even putting one foot in front of the other feels like an impossible task.

While Christian life is challenging, we can confidently believe that Jesus is with us in our struggles. Consider the disciples who were with Jesus in the boat on the Sea of Galilee. A fierce storm struck, threatening to capsize the boat. It was a moment of panic—there was no way they could regain control of the situation. Everything was beyond their strength, ability, and wisdom.

Yet, Jesus was with them—even though He was asleep. The disciples, overcome with fear, were consumed by the chaos around them. However, Jesus, though present in the same boat, was neither worried nor disturbed by the storm. The situation did not cause Him to panic. When the disciples woke Him up, He rebuked the wind and the raging waters, and they obeyed Him. Then Jesus asked them, “Where is your faith?”

In our Christian journey, there is no guarantee that the ride will be smooth. This path is full of bumps and curves. However, we are assured that Jesus is with us on this journey. Someone once said that challenges in the Christian life are not just inevitable—they are a necessity. Through the miracle of calming the storm, Jesus teaches us not to panic but to have faith in Him, for He promised, “Behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:20).

May the Lord help us to always trust Jesus, especially during the bumpy parts of our journey. God bless!