English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Sermons from February 2025

Blessings and Woes!

Sermon – February 16 , 2025 (Luke 6:20-26). Jesus teaches his disciples about the four blessings and their corresponding woes, preparing them for a blessed life that will keep them closer to God while warning them of the woes that could lead them away from Him.

Have Faith in Jesus!

Sermon – February 23 , 2025 Christian life is hard.  It often seems as though we expect life to be a smooth highway without bumps or curves. However, the truth is that life is filled with loss, failure, illness, difficult decisions, and heartache. At times, our life on earth can become so hard that even…

Put Out into the Deep

Sermon – February 9 , 2025 Jesus calls Peter and his fellow fishermen to cast their nets into the deep water. This call comes after a night of unsuccessful fishing. The night had been terrible; despite their hard work, they caught nothing. As they were finishing their fruitless and tiring labor, preparing to go home,…


Sermon – February 2, 2025 We use the word bless or blessed all the time. Blessed is a wonderful word. We say “bless you” when someone sneezes, wishing them healing and health. On other occasions, we say “bless you” when ending a conversation or gathering. People generally understand blessedness as wishing for good fortune or…