English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Sermons on Genesis (Page 2)


Peter Faulkner took us on a journey through the Bible to hear the references to angels and how we should view and interact with them. They are “ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation” [Hebrews 1:14] . We should not actively seek them or pray to them – we pray directly to…

The battle of having been born

“The battle of having been born” has nothing to do with you personally. The tension between righteousness and evil is real and present and every person alive is part of this war. All the struggles, sicknesses, and conflicts we face are part of this battle of having been born. Because of this, there is never…

Humility and repentance

Preaching from the story of John the Baptist and the crowds that went out to him in the wilderness, Peter showed us how people from all walks of life recognized their separation from God and wanted to be reconciled to their Creator. John did not preach for personal gain. When pointing to Jesus, he told…

The Gospel For All

This message explores how all the people’s of the world are marked by the pain of sin as first experienced by Adam and Eve and how the Gospel fully appreciated is that Jesus through his cross and resurrection overcame every dimension of that pain. It’s a big story relating to everyone from East, West and…