English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Jesus and Religion

How do we manage holiness and forgiveness? In Jesus’ day that was the business of the Jerusalem Temple. On Palm Sunday we looked at how Jesus began his Jerusalem ministry by disrupting life and business at the Temple in its business of being a holy place and providing forgiveness. In this message we see the Temple as representative of religion and Jesus’…

Covenant Upgrade

After 800 years or so of trying it seemed the covenant relationship between the Lord God and his people Israel was over. At this deep point God commits to upgrading his covenant commitment to his people and advertises that Covenant 2.0 will come. Are you living in Covenant 2.0? This is what Jesus established and…

Arise And Shine

Isaiah prophesied that God’s purpose was to shine on his people so that they might glow for all peoples as pilot-guides or representatives of God’s saving work in the deepening darkness. That is the frame through which Matthew tells the story of the Magi and the economy he calls his people to flow in. This…