In the second of three messages learning from Jesus’ declaration of the Kingdom in Mark’s Gospel, Francis seeks to learn from the first Kingdom incident arising from where Jesus went to Sabbath Day worship. In Mark’s Gospel the confrontation between Kingdoms breaks out early and this has much to teach us. Read on if you…
After weeks of Christmas and Epiphany we finally hear Jesus speak. In one sentence he brings the Gospel of God that he bears as the Son of God. This is considered as Jesus being ‘The Way’ we are called to be and live to realise God’s Kingdom Come.
Isaiah prophesied that God’s purpose was to shine on his people so that they might glow for all peoples as pilot-guides or representatives of God’s saving work in the deepening darkness. That is the frame through which Matthew tells the story of the Magi and the economy he calls his people to flow in. This…
In the midst of a hot dispute with people countering his gospel Paul outlines the shape and purpose of the gospel in cultural/legal terms of redemption and adoption to describe God’s purpose of bringing his children to maturity as heirs of what he has prepared for all in Christ. Christmas is central to this as Christ is born so we might be…