On the second Sunday of Lent Francis considered Abraham as a model for getting to know God. This is the second consideration of how God may become real beyond words and images.
For those who could not make it to this year’s Ash Wednesday Service the message given is posted below as a text to read.
This message begins a series of talks on Knowing God that will run through to Pentecost. On Transfiguration Sunday Francis brought out what the set readings show about knowing God and the ways people can avoid actually knowing him.
Hsiang Ling digs into Luke 6:27-36 and explores the challenging teaching of Jesus about loving those who do not love us and returning good for evil. Is this simply about allowing people to walk over us or does Jesus model something else?
This is both a standalone message and a footnote to the recent series on Worship. Love is desirable for everyone for its own joy. Paul makes the point that its essential for Christian spirituality as exercised in service and worship.
This is part 2 of a message about worship that began on Epiphany Sunday inspired by the worship of the Magi. This message briefly recaps that beginning then gets down to application and the ‘how’ issues. How do you worship and how do we do that together?
This is the first of two messages on the topic of worship. This message is inspired by how the awaited Epiphany began with the Pagan wisemen paying reverence to Jesus as the king born of heaven. In this account we see sound principles of worship being illustrated. The next message will come on 20 January
On the Second Sunday of Christmas Francis looked at the account of Jesus at Age 12. This might just rock the values and expectations some hold for Christian children and how they behave as emerging adults.
For the Grace of God has appeared. Read on or listen for this Christmas Day message.
On Advent 4 we move from the hairy man in the wilderness baptising the repentant and calling for straight roads to the very feminine Advent story of expectant mothers with leaping babies and prophetic songs. It’s a story of the Holy Spirit exciting bodies to signal His activities. What might this mean for us? The…