The Bible is a before, during and after collection of writings centred on Jesus and his coming. Today Francis orientated to feature what Jesus first preached as a public message. Isaiah gave details of his coming, Matthew documented them and Paul picked up the pieces when new Christians messed it up.
Christmas over? Not so fast! Bethlehem just got dangerous and the outworking of God’s redemption plan comes down to two men: Joseph and Herod. This message looks at what they represent and what makes them tick so we might learn to walk in a right way.
On Christmas Day we heard Luke’s account of the birth featuring Shepherds visited by angels and lots of make-do arrangements. Mary pondered all these things in her heart. What do we need to see here and what might be of importance to us who want to welcome God’s actions in our lives?
After nine lessons and carols Francis brought a short message on Jesus as the true light.
It’s Advent 4 and we are ready to hear the beginnings of the birth narratives. Today Francis considered what Incarnation as a human baby required of God in Christ as described in Philippians 2.5-11. This is a key part of the Whole Gospel and commended as the mind appropriate to those who hold Jesus as…
It’s Advent on 1 December. What is Advent really all about? How does the Gospel connect with this period before Christmas? This message is for people who want to enter Advent in ways set out by Jesus and St Paul. There is a specific application made to Trinity Church here and now.
At a baptism service we heard Luke’s account of Jesus’ crucifixion. This message picks up on the conversation reported between Jesus and two criminals as the three men were dying together. It’s a conversation that is repeated still today. One saw Jesus as reigning above the evil terror and the other saw Jesus as a…
As we near the end of the readings from Luke’s Gospel we hear challenging words from Jesus for his generation about the Temple. These are heard as words relevant for us living in times before the return of Jesus which will be challenging for followers of Jesus.
After offering many teachings and engaging incidents along the road south Jesus arrives in Jericho on his way to Jerusalem. In Jericho he surprises local tax administrator Zacchaeus with an unmerited offer of relationship and acceptance that melts the heart and transforms the mind of this legal crook. That’s the power of grace to lead…
Two went to pray… What could be wrong with that? It all depends on what they pray and why. Francis draws out key Gospel issues from Jesus’ story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector.