English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Living With COVID-19, Lent 3

15 March is in traditional terms the 3rd Sunday of Lent but today it also became the 1st Covid-19 Sunday. This is the first Sunday for many when church attendance was ever limited. The set reading from Exodus 17 was made for a day like this. Francis brought a message to the 23 gathered in…

Lent 1- Baptism Boost

Lent kicks off with a reminder of what sin is, where it came from and how we deal with it. Francis sets out the Lenten agenda in terms of a ‘Baptism Boost’ through practicing repentance and faith as the core central response to the Gospel. But first, what is ‘sin’ ?

The Gospel For All

This message explores how all the people’s of the world are marked by the pain of sin as first experienced by Adam and Eve and how the Gospel fully appreciated is that Jesus through his cross and resurrection overcame every dimension of that pain. It’s a big story relating to everyone from East, West and…