English-speaking church in Eindhoven

The Lord’s Prayer For Us

In the 10th week of Lockdown we marked the Sunday between Ascension and Pentecost. It was a liminal time between phases of faith and experiences of Jesus. This message appreciates Jesus’ prayer in John 17, often described as ‘The high priestly Prayer of Jesus’ as a prayer showing his heart for his friends and what…

Where Do You Live?

In the 8th week of our Intelligent Lockdown, Francis applies the words of Jesus spoken to people being prepared to live in flux between ‘Old Normal’ and ‘New Normal’: “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.  In my Father’s house are many rooms.” Is this relevant in our ongoing Corona Crisis?

The Essential Resurrection Faith

It’s the ‘Second Sunday of Easter’, sometimes referred to as ‘Low Sunday’ and we are 5 weeks into the Dutch ‘intelligent lockdown’ trying to beat a Covid-19 pandemic. Church has left the building and is happening in homes linked online through Zoom. This is a time to reconsider who we are as church in the…

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday and the church building is empty because the church proper, the people of God in Christ, are at home on-line linked by the internet and the fellowship of Holy Spirit. Francis brought a resurrection message for people disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Good Friday

This Good Friday message preached via Zoom considers the ‘wrath of God’ and the cross. Was Father God angry with Jesus on the account of sinful humanity? Or is God’s wrath something other than what has often been assumed?