What kind of life do you want to live? This is a common question among us. There are many books written on how to find what do you want in life.
What kind of life do you want to live? This is a common question among us. There are many books written on how to find what do you want in life.
Does faith comes naturally to you? Do you believe in the risen Lord? Do you doubt? Thomas doubted and he got the nick name ‘doubting Thomas.’ Did Thomas only have this problem? No, all disciples had a problem in believing Jesus’ resurrection. According to Luke, ‘they were startled and terrified, and thought they were seeing…
The Bible commands us to love God and love one another which means living a life of love. “Love God, love people” cannot be considered as simply a mission statement but a marching order.
Jesus claims, “I am the resurrection and life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and every who live and believes in me will never die.” John 14. 25, 26. Jesus is resurrection. In his presence, death cannot hold a person but gives it up. During Jesus’ ministry, he resurrected three…
Was it his sin or his parents’ sins that he was born blind?
Jesus had a conversation with a woman at the well. It was a private conversation but it was made public by John in his chapter 4 for our benefit. What is the focus of this meeting? What does John want us to know from this conversation between Jesus and the Samaritan woman? Is it to…
Satan tempts us to bring out the worst in us, but God tests us to bring out the best in us. A TEST or TRIAL is a God given opportunity for us to practice and thereby test our spiritual relationship with the Lord. The cause of temptation stems from our old carnal nature when it is not being controlled. A temptation does not originate with God. …
What are we going to become? What did Jesus show his disciples about his position? What kind of hope do we have? The transfiguration of Jesus answers all these questions. Jesus, before he was arrested, showed his three important disciples, Peter, James, and John, a glimpse of the kind of glory he has. On the…
Is it possible not to worry? Everyone has worries. People worry most about money and the future, job security, relationships, and health. Millions of people suffer from anxiety. Anxiety counselling centres are open everywhere, yet the number of people who suffer from anxiety grows year by year. According to an internet report 3.1 percent of…
Jesus teaches us that we are the salt and light of the world.