English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Love is a command

In the pages of the Bible, a powerful and unwavering command echoes through the ages: “Love.” It’s not just a suggestion or a gentle nudge; it’s a commandment that forms the very foundation of our existence. We are called to love God and love one another, and this isn’t merely a mission statement; it’s a marching order that should guide our every step.

But before we delve into the depths of this divine directive, we must first grasp the essence of love. The world often portrays love as a fleeting emotion, a sensation we experience for something or someone we fancy. It’s perceived as a whimsical feeling that guides us, prompting us to follow its every whim. However, God’s definition of love is far more profound.

God Himself is love, and it’s from Him that we must learn the true meaning of love. It’s not just a fleeting emotion but a way of life, a commitment that goes beyond the superficial. Feeling loved is undoubtedly a wonderful experience; we all long for it. It’s easy to love when it doesn’t come at a cost. However, the divine command doesn’t come with conditions or exemptions. We are not only called to love when it suits our convenience or benefits us; we are commanded to love even when it hurts, even when it could cost us everything. Love isn’t just a topic for discussion or a subject for lectures; it’s an active force that manifests itself through our actions. God sets the standard for us with his unconditional love. “But God proves his love for us in that while we still were sinners Christ died for us” Romans 5.8.

As we walk this path of love, let us heed the words of Jesus, who gave us a new commandment: “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34). In following this divine directive, we discover the true essence of love—a love that transcends mere emotions and becomes a way of life, a force that transforms not only our own hearts but the world around us. May God help us to embrace this command! God bless!