English-speaking church in Eindhoven


Formal announcements specifically for the Trinity Church congregation

New Season for Trinity Church

Trinity Church is settling into a new season. We welcomed our new pastor (Harrison) and his wife (Susan), who attended their first service on the 11th of September. This was timed perfectly with it being an All Age Service as well as our end of summer Chill ‘n Grill. It was a wonderful opportunity for them to have a time of “meet…


Our Locum Pastors: Peter and Janny

After the departure of our long term pastors, The Noordanuses , we welcomed our first Locum Pastors, Peter and Janny Faulkner. They arrived from the UK in early December (2020) and settled into the Vicarage. They swiftly plunged into Trinity life and quickly caught up to speed with all the Christmas services, Hybrid services, and…

Farewell Francis and Barbara

After many years of faithful service the Trinity Church pastors, Francis and Barbara Noordanus, have retired and are returning to New Zealand — their native home. Life will be very different on the other side of the world. Before arriving home they will have to ‘run the gauntlet’ of travel in the time of COVID-19 which will include a mandatory two weeks…

Going Hybrid on 30 August?

In early July the prospects for a ‘new normal’ by the late summer seemed optimistic. Then came the summer holidays and as I write in mid-August, there is clearly an alarming rise in all the measures of the Covid pandemic across Europe. In the last weeks of August many people will return from holiday destinations,…

Communion in June?

At the last Government Corona Briefing on 6 May the easing of lockdown was set out. Possibilities for gathering were given for June and July. These have been looked at to consider how we might wisely resume some of our life together as Trinity Church. In June, groups of 30 are permitted, with all the…

Joining Church Worship With Zoom

Dear Church Family No church service in Aalst? No problem!!We are all coming to your place (virtually ?). You are welcome to join in our Online Service this Sunday. It will happen through the online meeting platform ‘Zoom’. Our worship service will begin at 10:30 as usual. There will be a backdrop and recorded music…

Online Church?

Livestream?: The examples I have seen of this are like television. In the examples I have seen, a pastor/minister stands in an empty church to pray, read scripture and preach in front of a camera that feeds either live or via delayed upload for people to watch at their convenience via Facebook or YouTube. As…


Our existing arrangements for communion were: – Communion can be bread alone or wine shared or dipped. – If dipping bread keep fingers out of wine. At Monday’s Council Meeting we considered how we felt about Communion in present circumstances. This led to the following provisions for Holy Communion. The bread will be offered by…

New Initiative for Cell Groups

During the recent council away day we made the following resolution: As council we want to orientate Trinity Church to being intentional in service and mission by training, equipping, discipling and empowering as many as possible. In order to do this council recognizes the importance of everyone in Trinity Church being in a cell group if possible.. Cell groups provide the first…


2019 Annual General Meeting

Important Information Trinity Church has developed a two-step AGM.  This is an attempt to allow time for information sharing and deal with necessary business within sustainable time frames. Here is what you need to know about this: Meeting A follows the service on Sunday 31 March.  (Yes, the day clocks are turned back)  The focus…