English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Communion in June?

At the last Government Corona Briefing on 6 May the easing of lockdown was set out. Possibilities for gathering were given for June and July. These have been looked at to consider how we might wisely resume some of our life together as Trinity Church. In June, groups of 30 are permitted, with all the precautions we are now aware of, and in July this is set to rise to 100.

The plan formed is to continue the morning Zoom services and have communion services available in the late afternoon/evening.

Space in our building would easily allow for up to 30 people gathering safely in June and 50 in July. Communion would be bread only and ministered without coming closer than 1.5 m.

As required and for good order, this must be by prior arrangement Those wanting to come must actively indicate they want to come and be on the list of confirmed attendees. If demand exceeds the allowable limit more services will be arranged to follow.

The service will be well under an hour and focused on communion.

Before giving the sign-up times please note a few conditions:

  1. You must not be showing any Covid-19 symptoms, in the week before registering, when registering or prior to the event.
  2. You must commit to clean hands, safe coughing/sneezing and social distance in relation to those not in your household.
  3. If you consider yourself vulnerable, do not come.
  4. Drinks will not be provided but you may take a water bottle.
  5. Children must stay with their parents.

To reserve your seat for communion please book on the event page.

If this works well it will be arranged again on Sunday 21 June.

The government’s provisions for easing Lockdown are subject to change depending on how rates of infection develop. The above provisions allowing for this gradual return to communion may be withdrawn if deemed necessary.

Placed by Pastor Francis