English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Online Church?

Livestream?: The examples I have seen of this are like television. In the examples I have seen, a pastor/minister stands in an empty church to pray, read scripture and preach in front of a camera that feeds either live or via delayed upload for people to watch at their convenience via Facebook or YouTube. As an immediate response to the limitations that was better than nothing.

However there are pitfalls. Despite what is sometimes said, worship is not something provided by trained ministers in a church setting for people to receive as if at a concert. That is like thinking that watching someone workout for an hour once a week will keep you fit! Watching a group of photogenic people play passionate praise songs or choirs sing hymns is not worship, even when played loud. The purpose of church is not to provide those attending, or watching on line, with a so-called ‘worship experience’. Offering worship as a consumable is not what it’s all about. We need to aim for something better and happily technology is now up to that.

For that reason I am working towards having Sunday morning worship which is as interactive as possible and happening in the homes with individuals and family groups all participating in something for God. The platform being considered for this is ZOOM. Details will be provided later this week before 22 March.

My hope is that worship will happen in the households. This could be a useful experience for families wanting to worship as families.

If you have ideas towards this please let me (Pastor Francis) know.
As this will be happening for a while feedback and comment would also be welcome after each online event.

The start time will still be 10:30.