As we approach the days marking Ascension and Pentecost Francis offers a small series on Embracing the Holy Spirit. This message begins by asking what we understand by ‘spirit’ and then considers what power we need for the intended purpose of witnessing to Jesus.
Young David was a shepherd boy who wrote a Psalm about himself and God in terms of shepherds and sheep. Jesus was able to refer to this and claim fulfilment in himself as the Good Shepherd. This message points to this and then invites us to learn from David in claiming God as our shepherd…
Francis looks at the story of Peter and John engaging a crippled man with the power of the Lord to provide a living witness and gospel impact. This is seen as illustrating how the Holy Spirit comes when we step out and ‘break cover’ to testify to Jesus in our lives. There is a key…
On Easter Sunday, after two adult baptisms, Francis reflected on baptism asking how risky it might be and why people are drawn to seek it. Looking at the Great Comission in Matthew 28, the sequence of discipleship, baptism and mature obedience is drawn out.
How do we manage holiness and forgiveness? In Jesus’ day that was the business of the Jerusalem Temple. On Palm Sunday we looked at how Jesus began his Jerusalem ministry by disrupting life and business at the Temple in its business of being a holy place and providing forgiveness. In this message we see the Temple as representative of religion and Jesus’…
After 800 years or so of trying it seemed the covenant relationship between the Lord God and his people Israel was over. At this deep point God commits to upgrading his covenant commitment to his people and advertises that Covenant 2.0 will come. Are you living in Covenant 2.0? This is what Jesus established and…
On the 3rd Sunday in Lent Francis considered the disciple’s response to the Commands of God set out in the 10 Commandments. Why might we obey them? Are all responses satisfactory or might there be a right and a wrong way to comply?
This week Francis continued looking at Baptism to build understanding. He considered it in relation to koinonia-fellowship before linking it to communion. The message: Baptism marks, signs and seals one in the koinonia-fellowship of Christ’s church and communion feeds and sustains one in the koinonia-fellowship.
On the first Sunday in Lent Francis considered baptism. Why did Jesus institute a baptism for all disciples? How was this unique? How is this different from all the reasons leading people to seek baptism for their children today? What is wise baptismal practice for parents wanting to raise their children as disciples?
This sermon continues following Jesus’ launch of his Kingdom Gospel ministry in Mark’s Gospel. It opens up a kingdom perspective on why Jesus does what he does and from there considers how we may join him in that.