The Lord seeks pure worship of heart driven devotion and through that he advances his purposes.
David had a heart for worship, the Psalms testify to this. Yet when he became king he had to learn some tough lessons about worship of the Holy God of Israel. Do it God’s way and when you do, some people will despise you. This is part one of some teaching on worship that will…
Jesus received the fearful but does not let them stay that way drawing them from fear to faith.
Neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth.
Those in Christ have received God’s spiritual treasure in clay jars. To nurture this God prescribes a rhythm of rest and remembering. This instruction began with being told to observe the sabbath day and keep it holy, taking time to remember our journey out of slavery. Unless over stimulated modern people do this we may fall back into the slavery of this age.
On Trinity Sunday Francis shared on his spiritual vision for Trinity Church which focuses on meeting God in worship. The call of Isaiah was studied to illustrate from Isaiah’s experience what meeting God in worship can be like.
On Pentecost Sunday we continued our May month theme of the Holy Spirit. God has always been about giving life to humanity. Pentecost marks a new season or mode of delivery. Francis maps this out and encourages all to live in the Pentecost season for what God is giving now.
As we approach the days marking Ascension and Pentecost Francis offers a small series on Embracing the Holy Spirit. This message begins by asking what we understand by ‘spirit’ and then considers what power we need for the intended purpose of witnessing to Jesus.
Young David was a shepherd boy who wrote a Psalm about himself and God in terms of shepherds and sheep. Jesus was able to refer to this and claim fulfilment in himself as the Good Shepherd. This message points to this and then invites us to learn from David in claiming God as our shepherd…
Francis looks at the story of Peter and John engaging a crippled man with the power of the Lord to provide a living witness and gospel impact. This is seen as illustrating how the Holy Spirit comes when we step out and ‘break cover’ to testify to Jesus in our lives. There is a key…