Grasping the Gospel today goes to the 5th Gospel word component: ‘Righteousness’ and its parallel term – ‘Justice’. This message involves a technical word study before getting to what it means and celebrating its Gospel value. Once you have read the Sermon PDF and met the technical terms you can go deeper with the following: STUDY…
The Bible is full of life stories, stories that tell about meeting and being impacted by God. Joe Beswick brings his life story and connects it with the story of an unnamed woman who met Jesus and was never the same again. There is no written text for this sit back and enjoy a Liverpudlian…
Jan opens up the passaged read at today’s service of the Word
The series on building blocks of the Gospel message continues with a sermon on ‘Repentance’. This key component is opened up and explained.
Continuing the series considering Building Blocks of the Gospel we take a practical sobriety test. Assuming one believes, what is essential to actually live out this Gospel? A parable from Jesus provides the key into this. Bottom line: Without engagement between confessed sin and God’s mercy at the cross, nothing happens in the heart and nothing…
After the first teaching on God’s Love as Grace Francis brings a second teaching on Gospel concepts looking at Sin and Salvation. These are the key issues linked in the gospel of salvation.
We are people of the Gospel. The Gospel is expressed as a message in words. We need to be clear what the words mean to be clear on the message. In this mini-series Francis drills into a few key words or blocks to ensure the message really comes through the words. This first teaching looks…
What was the first letter Jesus ever wrote… and why is it essential that believers today understand its message? How can you summarise the entire Bible in just two words? Who can be set Free in the Ultimate Court despite a powerful prosecutor? And what does any of this have to do with Mark’s daughters?!…
Do you expect God to keep feeding you yesterday’s bread?
Following messages about David’s lessons in worship we come to his big lesson concerning sin. Hsiang-Ling opens the passage and allows us to now learn from David’s experience to appreciate the power of sin and redemption’s breadth.