Mark Hill picked up the story of Jesus healing a woman bent double during synagogue worship on Sabbath as told in Luke 13:10-17. This is rich gospel at several levels. It is only available here as an audio.
Following Good, Better, Best comes another message about God’s values and how we either get them or miss them. We engage the Philosopher of Ecclesiastes, Pastor Paul commending Christ and the Farmer/businessman with a bumper harvest -‘Mr. Bigger-Barns’- who Jesus described as a ‘fool’.
In the summertime it’s good to review our priorities. The readings for today all reflect the need to be sure about what is necessary and what is not in God’s Kingdom economy as represented by Jesus. To give the sound crews a holiday there is not audio for this message.
Paul talks to the Galatians about what takes us off track and away from freedom and what keeps us on track. The words are familiar but how they relate may not be? Freedom, Service, Law and Spirit. This three course meal of a sermon sets them out so we can do it. Due to a…
Through the church year to date, the full gospel has been told and celebrated from Advent to Pentecost. So on the Sunday after Pentecost, known as ‘Trinity Sunday’, we contemplate the being of God. The sermon this day celebrates God as the relational Three-in-One who Jesus represented and spoke of. We view God in relational…
This is the last in a number of talks drilling down into how people may engage with the real living active God. It is a reading of the story about Paul and a slave girl whom he delivered from an evil spirit as set out in Acts 16.16-31. Pauls actions lead to various subsequent developments…
Does God expect us to visit Him somewhere or does he want to move in and dwell within us? This is another message exploring how to engage the reality of God with reference to an earlier message about the extravagant response of Mary of Bethany when Jesus visited her home. She modelled passionate response to…
This message seeks to lead the willing further in engaging the reality of God. It builds on the message of 24 March and challenges some things that distract people from pressing into God as his Child.
This is the first in the follow series preached before Easter on Engaging the Reality of God designed to move us from talk to walk. There is a high quality audio recording but no PDF text for this. Provide yourself a space for prayer to follow this message.
On the Second Sunday of Easter we looked at what difference the Resurrection makes for those who receive and believe it. It comes down to whether we accept the cramped horizons assumed by many or embrace the wider space attained in the Resurrection. There is a 3 minute video clip half way through this message,…