Matters are coming to a head. Moses dies in sight of the promised land and Jesus is more than standing up to every challenging question that is brought to him in Jerusalem. What might we hear in these stories for a church about to reach its own Jordan marking the end of a season and…
Divya opened up a well known passage today to draw out the depth of what we may hear from Jesus in this exchange.
Guest preacher Humayun Sunil braved the challenging parable of the Guests and the Wedding Feast to bring out what we may hear from Jesus.
Moses set out God’s Law known as the 10 Commandments along time ago. Why should anyone obey them then or now? Read or listen for the answer.
Hsiang Ling spoke passionately into the unity sought among church members to please Christ and realise what he modelled. The text and audio come below.
Exodus is a powerful demonstration of what can happen when people are led by God with an human leader. Francis pulls out one lesson for churches facing change from Exodus 14.
We are a church of diversity. What happens when Jesus speaks clearly about something that we might have very strong feelings about? Perhaps even different perspectives? Read on or play the audio.
Two powerful stories of God’s call upon mere mortals is viewed through Paul’s advice to Timothy. This was our first Hybrid service with the sermon preached to a live and online congregation. We consider God’s call on Moses and Peter and how they experienced that.
Mark Hill brought a compelling message from a key moment in Jesus’ mission and ministry. The recording is available but suffered some audio failures. Some perseverance may be necessary.
Jesus cuts like a hot knife through soft butter to distinguish the traditions of people from the Words of God. This exposes the garden of the heart and what lives there to either bless or defile through the mouth. Francis opens up an encounter between Jesus, the Pharisees and his disciples which lays bare the…