English-speaking church in Eindhoven

The Invitation

Our new interim pastor, Peter, spoke this week on our ability to choose whether or not to accept God’s invitation. Focusing on the life of Mary and the invitation she received that would turn her world upside down, he challenged us to respond with the same humble acceptance.

Good News

John the Baptist

Our interim pastor, Peter, brought us his first sermon on the topic of John the Baptist as portrayed in Mark’s gospel. He reminded us that the way to prepare for God’s coming is through repentance. John the Baptist showed the way for sinners who did not want to live separated from God.

Look Out, But Look Forward

Our Archdeacon, Sam van Leer, gave a wonderful sermon to start our Advent season discussing how Advent is both a time of “looking out” (being of sober mind, awake and alert in word and deed) and “looking forward” (joyfully awaiting the coming of Jesus and the restoration of all things).

Spiritual Roots

In a first ever hybrid baptism service with 30 people present and several times that number on line, Francis considered how baptism is about engaging new spiritual roots. While the West is in a secular age actively neglecting the need for spiritual roots it holds values and practice virtues as like cut flowers without the…