English-speaking church in Eindhoven

2019 Annual General Meeting

Important Information Trinity Church has developed a two-step AGM.  This is an attempt to allow time for information sharing and deal with necessary business within sustainable time frames. Here is what you need to know about this: Meeting A follows the service on Sunday 31 March.  (Yes, the day clocks are turned back)  The focus…

Sermon Podcasts Available

Sermon podcasts are back! The new website has been expanded to support audio podcasts of the Trinity Church sermons. Now you can listen to sermons you may have missed on your mobile device, from a web page or iTunes. To subscribe you can search for the Trinity Church Eindhoven Sermons on iTunes or, even easier,…

Update to Website Publishing Platform

We have updated WordPress, the content publishing publishing platform used by the Trinity Church Eindhoven website, to the major new release WordPress 5.0. The new version of WordPress brings a number of new features and functionality, particularly a completely new content editor for the Trinity editorial team. Of course we also keep WordPress up to…

Holiday Bible Club 2019

This year, Holiday Bible club will be held from 12th – 16th August, 2019. Get the dates in your diaries! Plan your summer ahead and be part of this amazing, fun week. This year is a “Global Games” sports theme and is based on significant events from the life of Jesus found in Mark’s Gospel.…

Advent 2018

This Sunday sees the beginning of a new church year. Church ‘years’ or church calendars seek to walk through the outline of the Gospel in tune with the seasonal rhythm of a calendar year. This developed historically and is not the same between West and East. We are part of the Western Tradition. Christmas, marking…

Christmas 2018 at Trinity Church

We are again in the Christmas season where we lead up to Christmas Day and celebrate the birth of Christ, our Lord. Each Christmas season Trinity Church has a number of events and special services. On Christmas Eve there will be a traditional service of 9 Lessons and Carols. On Christmas Day there is family…