Preaching from the story of the calling of Jeremiah, Jaap Haasnoot reminded us that God calls each of us to serve Him and dedicate our lives to Him. For each person this will look different, but we are all called to love and trust our Lord. He will help us to overcome obstacles and wants…
In this beautiful sermon to conclude the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, Jan showed us how everyone, regardless of label or status, is equal in the Church. No one is excluded, everyone is included.
Many of us have a passion to help those in need, but we need compassion to make this a reality. In this challenging sermon, Dan Eze charged us to act with radical compassion and offer ourselves to the service of others.
In this All-Age service, Manju and Pamela presented some of the many different uses of water. Water is essential to life, and is special to the Christian life because we use it to baptize people who want to give their lives to Jesus.
Jesus has set us free from our slavery to sin! With this hopeful message, our returning guest, Dan Eze, started off our new year.