English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Posts from 2018 (Page 2)

Anglican Diocese

Archdeaconry Synod 2018

This weekend our Archdeaconry meets in Drongen (Near Gent in Belgium) for its annual Synod. The Archdeaconry of North-West Europe covers the Benelux  (Belgium-Netherlands-Luxembourg) In informal terms: Bala, Jan, Barbara and Francis will represent us there. In official terms the two Lay Synod Representatives, Chaplain and Assistant Chaplain of Trinity Church Eindhoven will attend. The…

October Themed Prayer Evenings

Wednesday 10th October — Prayer for our youth and children’s work From Stepping Stones all the way up to Tyde. If you have a particular interest in or a heart for these ministries, please come and add your voice to the prayers on this evening. Wednesday 24th October — Prayer for our mission partners This…

1Tim4Twelve – 2018

The 1Tim4Twelve (11-13 year olds) group started the new academic year with a bunch of youngsters moving to our group from the KidZchurch. On a full Sunday, we have 17 youngsters. We also have two new leaders joining the team, which is great. We continue to meet every first and third Sundays. We are excited…

TYDE Youth Programme for the next semester

The TYDE (Trinity Youth Disciples Eindhoven) group for 14-18+ year olds is getting into an exciting new programme from now until Christmas – Youth Alpha. We’re watching cool videos, discussing the deeper questions of life and everything, and enjoying some food and worship alongside. As well as our 1st and 3rd Sunday meetings we’re meeting…

LifeStream 2018 – a Trinity Youth Testimony

One of the very best parts of the Summer camp at LifeStream is the youth programme: ‘Something Else’ (don’t tell the adults!). One of our youth was there and had this to share about what happened for her: “I used to be pretty sure about God, but now I feel 99.999% sure” (after seeing Sophie…

LifeStream 2018 – One Family’s Experience

The LifeStream Europe Summer Festival has drawn to a close for another year. However for many individuals and families their experiences at LifeStream this year will stay with them for some time! Below is a reflection on the time from one of the families attending. Our family’s first time at LifeStream was a very positive…

So You Know The Prodigal Son Story?

On Sunday 8 the All Age Service saw a number of Indian brothers present the well known parable of the ‘Prodigal Son’ in a way that highlighted a background figure and revealed the Gospel.  The drama and following message were filmed from the front row by a supportative wife and mother.  The 23 minute video…

Food Market to Support Missions

On June 17th the end of the service was followed by a flurry of activity as pews were pushed aside to accommodate several tables. Soon these tables were filled with all sorts of food from all the corners of the world and the scents filled the church. This special Missions Market was held to support Hwee-Chong in his upcoming mission with Operation…