English-speaking church in Eindhoven

1Tim4Twelve – 2018

The 1Tim4Twelve (11-13 year olds) group started the new academic year with a bunch of youngsters moving to our group from the KidZchurch. On a full Sunday, we have 17 youngsters. We also have two new leaders joining the team, which is great. We continue to meet every first and third Sundays. We are excited to be starting the Youth Alpha series which will run until the end of this year, kicking off with the first session last Sunday (23/09). Our sessions are interactive with some great discussions about life, God and the Bible and we never miss having lots of fun too! We do karaoke worship and the youngsters are encouraged to pray out loud.
Please pray for us and each of the youngsters as they transition into early adolescence, that they make Jesus personal in their lives and continue to grow as His disciples.