English-speaking church in Eindhoven

LifeStream 2018 – One Family’s Experience

The LifeStream Europe Summer Festival has drawn to a close for another year. However for many individuals and families their experiences at LifeStream this year will stay with them for some time! Below is a reflection on the time from one of the families attending.

Our family’s first time at LifeStream was a very positive experience. The five full days at a camp provided us an opportunity to fully enjoy worship, teaching, prayer and fellowship. We had a feeling of getting completely ‘soaked’ in it.

The teachings were powerful and relevant for the current day and age. We were challenged to live as the salt and light in secular Europe: to break cover, to engage in faithful non-participation as Daniel did in Babylon, to show hospitality to the weak and to pray for Europe in context to its history.

We were blessed praying in the Spirit.

The camping provided a good setting for close fellowship and good conversations with other Christian brothers and sisters across Europe. Our two young children enjoyed the camping experience and the freedom provided in a natural setting at the campsite. They loved playing in the open, being in the company of other kids and… feasting on blackberries from the forest.

Our older daughter looked forward to going to Launch Pad every morning. She enjoyed the stories and songs about running for Jesus. Our younger child enjoyed her time at Stepping Stones too.

We can confidently share that LifeStream has refreshed us, and has stirred us up to seek more of God’s presence and His Spirit’s working in our lives.

Till next year!