English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Online Church?

Livestream?: The examples I have seen of this are like television. In the examples I have seen, a pastor/minister stands in an empty church to pray, read scripture and preach in front of a camera that feeds either live or via delayed upload for people to watch at their convenience via Facebook or YouTube. As…


Our existing arrangements for communion were: – Communion can be bread alone or wine shared or dipped. – If dipping bread keep fingers out of wine. At Monday’s Council Meeting we considered how we felt about Communion in present circumstances. This led to the following provisions for Holy Communion. The bread will be offered by…


We are delighted to announce the launch of FAITH WORKX, a prayer support group for work.The main purpose is to be of help to people who are facing many challenges related to work by praying with them and offering a support network where they may be able to find solutions. This initiative was taken as…

The Apprentice Discipleship Program

Imagine a life free from anger, lust, lying, retaliation, vanity, greed, worry, and condemnation—a life empowered to love, forgive, care, and seek justice. It’s the life Jesus invited his followers to live. But how do we get there? This is the question the Apprentice study explores. Drawing on what Jesus revealed about God, Apprentice examines…

Bishop Robert’s Christmas Message 2019

Trinity Church Eindhoven is part of the Church of England Diocese in Europe. As such we have a Bishop, Robert Innes, who works in Brussels and relates to churches like ours across the whole of Europe from Turkey to Ibiza, Moscow to Morocco. Here is his Christmas message to all the churches. During August I…

Story Bags

In 2017-2018 Lynne S. and Manju Daniel started assembling story bags in connection to the All age services. These services mostly have a secular story book reading in connection with the overall theme of the service. We have about 10 such bags for your use. Story bags contain story books read at that particular service,…

Indian Christians Event 2019

It’s soon Christmas time, a season of vast opportunities to connect with friends families; sharing the joy of the birth of our Saviour and our salvation. Jesus calls on his followers to make disciples, in every possible walk of life. This brings in the burden to share the gospel to everyone who needs to hear…

Some Wisdom from Justin Welby

I am not a close follower of official publications, but recently I chanced upon something that I think speaks clearly to Trinity Church. As happens with genuinely wise words, someone noted a line in a sermon by the Church of England’s Archbishop Justin Welby which was then referred to somewhere for me to find, and…