English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Zoom Events and Services – Update

Thank-you to those who have sent feedback in various forms along with comments and suggestions about our Zoom worship moments. They have all been very helpful.

After a couple of Zoom Sunday Worship events I have concluded the following about the transition from Aalst to Zoom.

  1. Zoom services cannot cater to all ages, styles and preferences. Thus they are being primarily prepared and offered with adults in view.
  2. As with Home Schooling, Home Church for children will rely on parents. This cannot always happen at the same time as the Zoom Service.

A number of children’s ministry leaders will be providing resources to enable parents to lead a child friendly church experience at home. These will be posted on a dedicated web page here. Parents are asked to make known their needs, e.g. prayer resources, related videos or things you cannot find online etc.

So as Zoom services are not designed for the whole family all the time — unless that family can sit together for the whole hour—parents need to structure that hour so children have their activities arranged for at least some of that time. As parents you know your family’s needs and limitations best.


Pastor Francis