English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Posts from 2018 (Page 3)

Trinity Fun Run & Picnic

Last Saturday, 23rd June, was the Trinity Fun Run Picnic event. A few families and church members got together by the lake a short distance from Trinity Church Eindhoven. The plan was to gather at 3pm, run together and afterwards have a BBQ picnic fiesta. But you know what they say, sometimes things don’t go as…

TYDE Visit to All Saints Maastricht

On Sunday 10 June the TYDE youth group went to Maastricht to help in All Saints Maastricht, a small church International church like us. They led worship, read the Bible reading, performed the same dance as they did during the Trinity Easter service, helped in the Giants (4-9s) and Double Digits (10-13s) and joined in small groups for discussion and prayer around…

Welcome to the All New Trinity Church Website!

Trinity’s home on the Internet has been completely rebuilt with a fresh new modern theme built on top of a new platform with features that are specifically designed for churches. The new theme is also fully ‘mobile device friendly’, automatically adjusting content for optimum viewing when displayed on either smartphones or tablets. The website even…

Praying for our Pastor

Some of you may have noticed that a curious group gathers at times in the prayer corner after service with Pastor Francis standing in the centre of this group. A “pray for Pastor” initiative has been started and it takes place every first Sunday of the month when we gather as a group to pray…

A Call to Prayer

The harvest of youth and children entrusted to Trinity Church is large. As counted at the beginning of 2018 we had 90 members aged 18 or younger. This is about 42% of the total congregation. Within these numbers a shift is taking place from children aged up to 10 years in KidZchurch to youth from age 11 in 1Tim4Twelve and TYDE. This brings Trinity to a call to prayer.

Are you in a Cell Group?

Being together with God on Sunday is great. Alongside Sunday, Cell Groups are important for growth and support of all members in our church. At present there are 12 groups. Please contact Barbara Noordanus (Cell Pastor) if you are interested in joining a cell group and she will put you in touch with someone who can invite you to their group. Meanwhile…

Our Venue – What Do We Need?

Where we meet as a church depends on what we believe God has called us to do together. Different churches may have different requirements according to their priorities. So it is appropriate to ask ourselves – What meeting place does Trinity church need to fulfil its call? This question is actually not too difficult to…