English-speaking church in Eindhoven


Good News

Birth Pangs or Death Pains!

The disciples showed Jesus the Jerusalem Temple building. It was a magnificent stone structure; each block weighed around 2.5 tons and measured approximately 8 feet in length, 4 feet in width, and 1.3 feet in thickness. This building was an architectural marvel, and people in the first century gazed at it in awe. For the…

The Word of God!

Have you read your Bible today? What role does the Bible play in your life? The Bible is the Word of God, and it plays an important role in the life of every Christian. D.L. Moody once said, “I never saw a useful Christian who was not a student of the Bible.” In other words,…

The Son of Man Came to Serve!

We live in a world driven by ambition. People desire recognition and acknowledgment, and even the disciples of Jesus were no exception. John and James approached Jesus, asking to sit at His right and left when He comes in glory. They wanted to secure the top positions—second and third—before anyone else had the chance to…

Marriage is honourable for all!

As an institution, marriage is heavily attacked in modern times. However, we should not assume that marriage and divorce have simply become routine. I read in an American statistics report that the number of divorces in America has decreased almost every year in this millennium. Still, with each subsequent marriage, the chances of divorce increase…

Group of people

The one who is not against us is for us!

A journalist once asked Carl Sandburg, the famous American writer, “What is the ugliest word in the English language?” After a few minutes, Sandburg replied, “Exclusive.” The word “exclusive” feels ugly depending on whether we are included or excluded. In the early church, the conflict was about who was in and who was out. Should…

Who is the Greatest?

We live in a world where competition is constant. Everyone is drawn into it, often unknowingly. We run the race of trying to come in first, striving to be the best and present ourselves as the greatest. The disciples had a similar issue. They competed among themselves, wondering, “Who is the best?” Perhaps this competition…

True Religion!

The Pharisees sought to exhibit their religion. They were attention seekers, presenting themselves as godly, but their inward motivation was always questionable. Although they claimed to adhere to the laws, their laws were man-made, heavy, and difficult to follow. More than that, these laws kept them away from the law given by the Lord. Thus,…

Miracles are signs!

Jesus performed many miracles during His earthly ministry, but John, in his gospel, records only seven of them, referring to them as signs. These signs serve as markers, directing us to our Lord Jesus. Wonders and miracles astonish us and fill us with awe. However, when we witness miracles in our lives, which are the work of God, whether small or large,…

The Bread of Life

The day after Jesus miraculously fed five thousand men, many people eagerly sought Him, but their reasons were misguided. They were focused on their physical needs, which is understandable. However, Jesus explained that He came from heaven to offer eternal life, and they could receive this life by believing in Him. He said, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to…

The Nature of Jesus’ Ministry

What did Jesus show about himself through his life on earth? Did he simply present himself as a great miracle worker? A moral teacher? A social worker or reformer? A voice against oppressive political and religious systems? Yes, we can say all of these and even more. However, Jesus came to inaugurate his Kingdom, and through his life and ministry, he showed…