English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Love one another as Jesus loved you!

The Bible commands us to love God and love one another which means living a life of love. “Love God, love people” cannot be considered as simply a mission statement but a marching order.

But one needs to know: what is love? The world’s definition of love differs greatly from God’s. The world thinks of love as merely a feeling or an emotion. Which means love is a sensation that we get about someone or something we like. They follow that emotion and do whatever it tells them to do. Their definition of love is determined by them. That is not what we learn from the Bible. God is love and he exhibits his love by sending his Son to us. Our Lord Jesus, while we were still his enemies, gave his life for us on the cross and exhibited this undying love.

Jesus, by setting the model of love, gives this new commandment, “Love one another as I have loved you.” It is easy to love when it does not cost us anything. But, we are not commanded to love just when it suits our needs or benefits us. We are commanded to love even when it hurts and could cost us everything. Love is a great topic, and it is easy to talk or lecture about it. But, remember, love is always seen by giving oneself. Someone said, “You can give without love but you cannot love without giving.”

We are commanded to love. It is not an option. This command does not have any exceptions or exclusions. We ought to love, love, and love. Love only wins and love only can bring lasting changes. May the dear Lord help us to live a life of love! God bless!