English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Beautiful Church Buildings

Many church buildings over the centuries have been an expression of faith through architecture. This website, ‘Sacred Spaces : A series on modernist churches’, is a collection of photographs of beautiful church buildings from around the world. The church above is Saint Mary’s Cathedral in Tokyo, Japan. Click on the link or the photo to…


2 Corinthians 3:18 says: ‘And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.’ This verse raises a lot of questions. What does the transformation this verse speaks about really look like in a person? We…

Engage – Raising Kids and Social Media

ENGAGE: 5 PRACTICAL LESSONS FOR RAISING YOUR KIDS IN A SOCIAL MEDIA GENERATION Raising children in a tech-obsessed social media world is tough. What limits do you put on it? Is it safe? Why can’t kids just put their phones down? I am sure, we as parents are going through this very scenario on a…


Council has been discussing the replacement of the wooden church pews with individual chairs which are (i) more comfortable and (ii) much easier to move around in case we need to clear the space. As this is potentially a large expense for the church, we are looking into various options that would fit our budget…

The Last Supper – TCE Style!

Written by Trinity Church member – Julia Budde As a Christian believer, a curious person and a lover of food I sought out my first Jewish Passover Seder right here at TCE. During Holy Week we were presented with the opportunity to (figuratively) journey to the cross in preparation for Christ’s glorious resurrection on Easter…

Creating Space To Meet Jesus

Something New Is About To Happen Through the last year a group of younger adults have been meeting with us to consider their experience of church as ‘Millennials’ – that is people who became adults this century. We have talked, worshipped, shared meals and dreamed. A next step is now being taken. In the blog…

Thy Kingdom Come – Pray 10 Days to Pentecost

This year once again Christians around the world will be praying for people to come to Jesus – God’s Kingdom to come – for the 10 days from Ascension to Pentecost (May 30 – June 9). Shall we do this in some way together as a church? If you’d like to help organise any church…

Trinity’s Easter Dinner

Last Saturday, Trinity Church hosted an Easter dinner to give opportunity to members to bring their guests from different faiths for an opportunity to share meals, faith and fellowship. As church pews were pushed to the side, the area was transformed into a sit down dining style where guests could comfortably enjoy their dinner and…