English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Marriage is honourable for all!

As an institution, marriage is heavily attacked in modern times. However, we should not assume that marriage and divorce have simply become routine. I read in an American statistics report that the number of divorces in America has decreased almost every year in this millennium. Still, with each subsequent marriage, the chances of divorce increase significantly. The breakdown is as follows: 41% of first marriages end in divorce, 60% of second marriages, and 73% of third marriages. Another statistic shows that among adults aged 18 to 34, 69% of those who have never been married say they want to get married one day. About 23% are unsure, and only 8% say they don’t want to get married. I found the second part of the statistics encouraging, as it shows that many still have hope in the institution of marriage.

Some Pharisees once came to Jesus and asked a sensitive question: “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife?” Israelites had been practicing divorce since the time of Moses, and the question was meant to trap Jesus. However, He responded by reiterating the purpose of marriage. Jesus referred to the message from Genesis, explaining that in marriage, a man and woman leave their parents, cleave to one another, and become one flesh. According to the creation account, man was incomplete without the bone taken from him. In marriage, he is complete, becoming one flesh with his wife. The act of leaving and cleaving is a deliberate commitment by both man and woman, and God blesses this union, which, as Jesus emphasized, no one should take lightly.

In the 4th century, Augustine wrote that marriage is the cornerstone of moral and social order. History has shown that no community can enjoy peace and harmony without a true moral foundation, and marriage provides the best basis for that. British anthropologist John D. Unwin, who studied various civilizations, concluded that a strong sexual ethic confined to marriage was directly linked to the health and prosperity of a civilization.

Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding. Doesn’t this show how much He values marriage? Through the miracle at the wedding in Cana, Jesus demonstrated His willingness to be present in marriages and to perform miracles. He seeks to turn shortcomings into overwhelming joy and blessings. Let’s give Him room in our marriages, and He will make great things happen.

God bless!