On Friday 16th February we were blessed to have international bible teacher and author, Charles Price, with us.
The evening began with a time of worship and a brief look into the Torchbearers organisation ( Torchbearers International – Bible schools and conferences) . Charles spoke about the life of Christ in us. He spoke about Jesus’ 2 big invitations: ” Come to me” and “Abide in me”. He went on to trace the human journey from creation to now; how we are created in the image of God – but lost our ability to reflect that image in the fall and our need to have Christ in us making us ‘alive’ again to display His likeness.
From Pentecost onwards, the disciples ceased to be ‘followers of Jesus’, and instead were given the nickname of ‘Çhrist – ins’ – transformed people now with the living Spirit of God within us. Charles’ stories and illustrations were filled with joy and inspiration as he reflected on what it means to live with Christ in you.