English-speaking church in Eindhoven

The Harvest is Plentiful!

This week, some of our church members are going to attend ‘Amsterdam 2023’ – a conference on world evangelism. The conference is meant to encourage people to engage in evangelism for the next decade. As much as we see troubles in the world we should preach the gospel. The gospel is the only hope for everyone in every situation. We are at the forefront of bringing hope to this trouble-filled world.

Jesus saw the crowds and having compassion on them said, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers to his harvest.’ Matthew 9:37,38. In his harvest field, there are many vacancies that will remain all the time. No way we can expect the ‘no vacancy’ board in his work. It is an ever-growing need. Therefore, Jesus asked his people to pray that God may send his servants to his harvest. The word ‘send’ in the original language Greek is ekballow, which means ‘thrust out’, ‘cast out’, or ‘drive out.’ The same word appears whenever Jesus drives out the demons. I think there are two reasons why this word comes specifically here. One is to show the urgency and another is the purpose of sending which is bringing healing. We are called to do God’s service. Every day he sends us out to bring healing to the broken world. I pray sincerely that we recognise this call. May God help us so that wherever we are, we bring hope, healing, and blessing to the people around us! God bless!