Jesus claims, “I am the resurrection and life. Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and every who live and believes in me will never die.” John 14. 25, 26. Jesus is resurrection. In his presence, death cannot hold a person but gives it up. During Jesus’ ministry, he resurrected three dead people: Jarius’ twelve year old daughter (the dead body in the house), the young dead man at Nain village (the dead body in the street) and Lazarus, the dead man in the tomb. Of course, they were resurrected to the same body, and they died again. But those who believe in Jesus, will be resurrected as he is resurrected. Those who will be resurrected will have a new body which will not be subjected to decline, disease, weakness and death. Paul explains it this way, “this perishable body puts on imperishability, and this mortal body puts on immortality,…” (I Cor. 15 53).
Jesus further claims that he is life. Jesus is not claiming that whoever believes in him would not physically die. In Jesus we have life. Which means we will make a transition from life in this world to life in the next. That is one of the reasons we say when a Christian dies ‘he slept in the Lord’ or ‘she passed on to glory’. Jesus’ claim is true. In his death and resurrection, he proved it. Let us celebrate the life we have in Jesus! Continue to believe in Jesus. In Jesus alone we have every blessing. God bless!