English-speaking church in Eindhoven

New Year’s Resolutions

We have crossed the halfway mark of the first month of the year 2023. How far have you come with your new year’s resolutions? May I add one important discipline of our Christian faith to your resolutions of this year? This discipline lays a strong foundation. Christians know that the Bible is the greatest literary piece of all time. The Bible is a goldmine and reading ceremoniously will not get us deeper into it. Therefore, this year let us give greater focus to the reading of the Bible. Recall the following verse:

This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth; you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to act in accordance with all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous and then you shall be successful.

Joshua 1:8

While God promised to be with Joshua, he also gave him the clear instruction of heeding the scriptures. Joshua’s success depended on how he followed God’s commandments.

This verse gives three instructions on how to study scripture: reading, reflecting (meditating), and responding (act) are the key directions. One leads to the other and it is beautifully ordered. There is no easy method or shortcut to studying the Bible. One must spend quality time every day with scripture.

Will you commit to spend time with the Bible every day? It is the only book where the author is always present. When we read the Bible, we are not just reading a book, but we are listening to the author of life. May the dear Lord bless you and grant you the great desire of meditating on His word! God bless!