Update from the Treasurer:
Year to date, the giving to Trinity is EUR 2,400 below budget, the last two months have particularly been below the budget necessary for the ongoing running of Trinity.

Closing the year at or above budget would be a real blessing. We would appreciate you considering this in your giving to TCE in December.
You can make an immediate donation directly now from the donation form on this web page. The suggested amount is € 20 but you can change it to any amount you wish.
Please prayerfully consider supporting Trinity Church.
This form is secured by digital certificate and utilises end-to-end encryption. Convenient payment methods such as iDEAL, bank transfer and other options are available.
When you click the button above you will be transferred to the website of our secure payment processor Mollie B.V., located in the Netherlands, to process the transaction. No financial data (e.g. card numbers, bank account details) are stored on the Trinity Church website and/or systems.