Where we meet as a church depends on what we believe God has called us to do together. Different churches may have different requirements according to their priorities. So it is appropriate to ask ourselves – What meeting place does Trinity church need to fulfil its call? This question is actually not too difficult to answer. Here are at least the main points of this answered below.
We are ordered as an Anglican Church.
We are a part of the worldwide Anglican Church and locally a congregation of the Church of England’s Diocese in Europe – this means we meet weekly on Sundays and for special days like Christmas day for worship together. Therefore we need a place to worship together on Sundays and perhaps at other times as well. We also include Bible reading and preaching, baptism, communion, prayer and sung worship in our services so our worship spaces need to be good for speaking and for singing (and accompanying instruments), and have a table (for communion), a readers/preachers place (eg lectern) and a font (for baptisms). We need some storage for the equipment that enables these services to take place.
We are welcoming to all who can speak English.
We are an International English-speaking church in Eindhoven. We therefore want to welcome all English-speaking Christians (and those whom they are reaching out to), who live in or visit this area to worship with us. Trinity Church has always valued this ministry of welcome and hospitality towards all who wish to gather together with us. We therefore need a space to worship that is big enough to welcome visitors and newcomers to – as God sends them our way. The space and facilities to have coffee together after our services of worship is also required so that we can meet and relate with those whom the Lord brings to us. Being able to share a meal together there would be even better.
We cater for all ages.
Trinity church is made up of single and married people, and many families and children of all ages. Many of our families are being blessed with new members. First of all we need space for every age group to be able to be discipled according to their needs: tots in créche, children in KidZchurch, young teens in 1Tim4Twelve, older teens and younger and older adults in their space. We need a place where baby carriages and children, and adults of all ages can have space to move safely. We need space for those who make more noise to go to be less distracting for those who cannot hear well.
We want to bring others into relationship with God through Jesus.
All Christians are given the commission to make disciples of all nations. A specific venue is not necessary for this but can really help. If we have space available to meet beyond the times of our services we can both meet in larger groups to be trained in discipleship and to grow in our relationship with God and each other and also hold events to which we can invite those who are not yet on the discipleship journey with Jesus.
Jesus says we are to ask God for all that we need according to His will (Matthew 6:10-11) and he will give us these good things (Matthew 7:7-11). So we need to ask for what we need and then focus on his kingdom and righteousness and all these things will be given to us as well (Matthew 6:33).