English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Pastoral (Page 4)

An attitude of gratitude!

The one thing that I want to develop in this New Year is an attitude of gratitude. We all use the word ‘thank you’ every day. In an internet survey, I noticed that 50% of the people say thank you ten times a day but only 10% of people say it fifty times in a…

The Most Precious Gift of All!

The arrival of Christmas is a joyous occasion welcomed by all, especially children who eagerly anticipate the festive celebrations. Amidst the various attractions that mark the season, the tradition of exchanging gifts holds a significant place, a practice believed to have originated with Nicholas.

Yet, amidst the excitement of wrapped presents, there is a gift that surpasses them all—the gift of Jesus.

Magnificat: A Revolutionary Hymn

Within Luke’s narrative of Jesus’ infancy, Mary’s song, commonly known as the Magnificat, stands as one of three significant hymns. The other two are Zachariah’s Benedictus (Lk 1:67-79) and Simeon’s Nunc Dimittis (Lk 2:28-32). Mary’s lyrical composition is revolutionary, addressing moral, social, economic, political, and spiritual transformation.

Forerunner John the Baptist

A forerunner is someone who precedes the arrival of a king or introduces a speaker to a gathering, always remaining in the background and never seeking attention. This characteristic is exemplified in the life of John the Baptist, who humbly proclaimed, ‘Let him (Jesus) increase, and I may decrease’ (John 3.30).

Embracing the Advent Season!

Our Advent journey commences this upcoming Sunday, the 3rd Dec. 2023. The term “Advent” originates from the Latin word ‘Adventus,’ meaning ‘arrival.’ It marks the anticipation of Christmas, commemorating the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem 2000 years ago.

Use Your Talents for the Glory of God!

Jesus, in anticipation of his second coming, shared a poignant parable on talents just before his crucifixion. This parable emphasized the importance of using the gifts and abilities bestowed upon us. In the parable, two servants wisely employed their talents, doubling them, while another hid his talent, resulting in guilt and punishment. Talents come in…

Remembrance Day

As November unfolds, it transforms into a sacred period of remembrance—a moment for contemplation on the lives of those who have departed (all Souls) and those who are still with us (all Saints). On November 1st, we remember all saints, both near and far. Our designation as saints isn’t earned through a disciplined life or…

Chief Cornerstone

Jesus is our cornerstone, the pivotal foundation upon which we build our lives. In the realm of construction, the cornerstone holds a unique significance as it marks the initial stone to be placed and carries the utmost importance in the entire building. It plays two roles of paramount significance. Firstly, the entire structure of a…


The Three Parts of Obedience

Does obedience come naturally to us? I don’t believe so. Inherently, we tend to lean toward rebellion, requiring persuasion, warnings, encouragement, and motivation. The Bible, while instructing us to follow God’s commandments, also provides the necessary encouragement and support. Yet, despite this support, we often falter and fail to heed His commandments, much like the…