English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Pastoral (Page 2)

The Humble King

We embark on the Holy Week with Palm Sunday, as Jesus, who previously shunned public attention, now arrives, riding on a donkey. Acknowledged by the people as their king, they proclaimed, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’ (Psalm 118.26).

Watch and Pray

Church Lenten Prayer

As we embark on the season of Lent, extending until the celebration of Easter on March 31st, we are called to engage in prayer, fasting, and self-denial. These three disciplines, as elucidated by our Lord Jesus in his sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6), are central to our spiritual growth and relationship with God. While…

“This is my beloved Son; listen to him.”

The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus is recounted in the first three Gospels. During this event, Jesus revealed a glimpse of his divine glory to his chosen disciples, Peter, James, and John. It was a moment carefully orchestrated by Jesus before his impending suffering and death, intended to leave an indelible mark on his followers.

Truth and Grace

Jesus embodied both grace and truth. Unlike those who rigidly cling to truth without conceding grace or vice versa, Jesus exemplified a perfect balance of both qualities. This nature is highlighted in the Bible: “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, …, full of grace and truth” (John 1.14).

An attitude of gratitude!

The one thing that I want to develop in this New Year is an attitude of gratitude. We all use the word ‘thank you’ every day. In an internet survey, I noticed that 50% of the people say thank you ten times a day but only 10% of people say it fifty times in a…

The Most Precious Gift of All!

The arrival of Christmas is a joyous occasion welcomed by all, especially children who eagerly anticipate the festive celebrations. Amidst the various attractions that mark the season, the tradition of exchanging gifts holds a significant place, a practice believed to have originated with Nicholas.

Yet, amidst the excitement of wrapped presents, there is a gift that surpasses them all—the gift of Jesus.