English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Posts by Harrison Chinnakumar (Page 3)

Thy Kingdom Come!

This is more than just a prayer; it is a profound theological statement taught by Jesus to his disciples. It carries multiple layers of meaning, encapsulating futuristic hope, acknowledgment, and submission to the sovereign rule of the King, and the intercessor’s deep longing for the coming of God’s kingdom. One crucial aspect of this prayer…

The Shepherd’s Voice

The world is filled with voices: the voices of your partners, parents, siblings, friends, relatives, and others. Additionally, we encounter voices in the markets and social media. However, we cannot heed all voices, as some may lead to danger. Therefore, we must choose our favorite voices wisely.

Easter Season

The Easter Season!

We are currently in the Easter Season, which extends until we celebrate Pentecost Day on May 19th. During this season, we reflect on Jesus’s continued presence among us and how we can experience the joy of the risen Lord. After his resurrection, though he appeared to them now and then, Jesus’ unseen continued presence was…

The Humble King

We embark on the Holy Week with Palm Sunday, as Jesus, who previously shunned public attention, now arrives, riding on a donkey. Acknowledged by the people as their king, they proclaimed, ‘Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord’ (Psalm 118.26).

Watch and Pray

Church Lenten Prayer

As we embark on the season of Lent, extending until the celebration of Easter on March 31st, we are called to engage in prayer, fasting, and self-denial. These three disciplines, as elucidated by our Lord Jesus in his sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6), are central to our spiritual growth and relationship with God. While…