Imagine a life free from anger, lust, lying, retaliation, vanity, greed, worry, and condemnation—a life empowered to love, forgive, care, and seek justice. It’s the life Jesus invited his followers to live. But how do we get there?
This is the question the Apprentice study explores. Drawing on what Jesus revealed about God, Apprentice examines our ideas about God. As our understanding of God is strengthened and healed through spiritual practices, we more naturally live the life Jesus described in his Sermon on the Mount. Learning to live this life is simple, but not easy. This is not a study for the spiritual elite—it is for anyone who wants to follow Jesus more closely and grow in living the life he promised.
Starting in January 2020, we invite you to join us for an 18 month journey of Christ-centred learning in community. The Apprentice program is structured as follows:
- The Apprentice group will meet on Tuesdays for 34 sessions and two Saturday retreats (January 2020 – July 2021)
- The program is structured around three books by James Bryan Smith “The Good and Beautiful God”, “The Good and Beautiful Life” and “The Good and Beautiful Community”
- In each session, the required reading is discussed and experience of attempting the soul training exercise is shared. Scripture memorisation, silence, biblical reflection and a formational activity will also be a part of our gatherings.
- Learning to love God takes practice so between each meeting there will be soul-training exercises to help “practice” and embed Jesus’ narratives into our minds, bodies and souls.
- This is a structured program and one which requires commitment. Commitment to attending the evening sessions and retreats, to doing the homework, to sharing in the group and being open to God’s will for your life.
- The group size will be a maximum of 12 people to ensure the right dynamic, so if you are interested, please contact Rebecca or Jeremy.