English-speaking church in Eindhoven

The Nature of Jesus’ Ministry

What did Jesus show about himself through his life on earth? Did he simply present himself as a great miracle worker? A moral teacher? A social worker or reformer? A voice against oppressive political and religious systems? Yes, we can say all of these and even more. However, Jesus came to inaugurate his Kingdom, and through his life and ministry, he showed what his Kingdom is like.

In our gospel lesson this Sunday from Mark 6, we are skipping two miracles of Jesus: the feeding of the 5,000 and Jesus walking on water. The selection of this reading is purposeful so that we focus not just on the miracles but learn about Jesus and his Kingdom. Jesus was always surrounded by people. To have some rest and private time with his disciples, he went to a deserted place. But people came in large numbers to meet him. Jesus was not disturbed by their presence but moved with compassion and received them. His Kingdom is always welcoming, showing care, mercy, and compassion to all who come.

Though Jesus heals the sick and restores health to people, he also teaches them. He comes with a merciful healing hand but also teaches. He is the true Pastor-Teacher. While he cares for his people, he teaches us about his Father. His Kingdom is about growing in the knowledge of God and the coming of his Kingdom.

Jesus did not serve like John the Baptist, who stayed in the wilderness and had people come to him. Instead, he went to the people. He traveled through villages, towns, and cities, not wanting to miss anyone. He comes to everyone and invites us to join his Kingdom.

Jesus is people-focused. He understands humanity’s needs and comes to us with open arms. He says, “Anyone who comes to me I will never drive away” (John 6:37). May the dear Lord help us not only receive and enjoy him and his Kingdom but also speak about Jesus to others! God bless!