English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Preachers and Leaders Conference 2024 in Almere

On June 25 and 26, Kris, Pamela, and Manju attended the 2024 Predikers en Leiders (Preachers & Leaders) conference in Almere. The theme of the conference was “Timeless Truth for a Strange New World,” based on Carl Trueman’s book, Strange New World: How Thinkers and Activists Redefined Identity and Sparked the Sexual Revolution. Carl Trueman, a professor of Biblical and Religious Studies at Grove City College in Pennsylvania, was the main speaker. The conference was organized by several organizations, including Tyndale Theological Seminary in Amsterdam, Hart voor de gemeente, geloofstoerusting.nl, the Gospel Coalition, IX Marks, and Desiring God. Other talks were also presented by Tyndale professors.

The essence of the conference revolved around the concept of the Gospel in liturgy: the rhythm of the service is the rhythm of the Gospel. This theme emphasized that participation in the liturgy reminds believers of their identity and God’s nature. It underscored the idea that the church serves as a remedy to the increasingly chaotic and morally complex world we navigate today.

Through various elements of corporate worship—such as singing, friendship, hospitality, and preaching—the conference highlighted how these practices reinforce the truth of the Gospel. Corporate singing unites the congregation in worship, allowing them to express their faith collectively and experience a sense of spiritual solidarity. Friendship and hospitality within the church foster a supportive community where believers can grow in their faith together, providing mutual encouragement and accountability.

Preaching, as discussed in the conference, is not just a proclamation of biblical truths but also a reaffirmation of the Gospel’s relevance in every aspect of life. It reminds the congregation of the timeless truths of Scripture, offering guidance and wisdom for living in a “strange new world.” The rhythm of the service, from confession to assurance of pardon, from the reading of the Word to the sacrament of communion, mirrors the Gospel narrative of sin, redemption, and restoration.

The conference stressed that these liturgical practices are more than mere rituals; they are formative experiences that shape the spiritual lives of believers. By participating in these rhythms, the church community is continually reminded of their identity in Christ and their mission in the world. This grounding in the Gospel provides a stable foundation amidst the cultural shifts and challenges posed by contemporary society.

In summary, the Predikers en Leiders conference aimed to equip church leaders and members with a deeper understanding of how liturgical practices reinforce the Gospel message. It called on the church to be a beacon of truth and stability, guiding believers through the complexities of modern life with the timeless truths of the Christian faith.