English-speaking church in Eindhoven


Trinity Church is constituted with a Church Council. This is a committee of elected lay people and various ex-officio members led by the pastor. Their role is to support the ministry and mission of Trinity church. The Council meet most months through out the year on second Mondays of the month. If you have any matters you would like to bring to the church council for consideration please contact the pastor or speak to a council member.

Rajesh Datti

Rajesh is working as a business analyst for a large multinational company in Eindhoven. He is originally from Visakhapatnam in India, but later moved to Eindhoven in 2008. He has been an active member of Trinity Church Eindhoven since 2013 along with his wife and 2 daughters. He joined the church council in 2017 and…

Joan Schutte

Joan joined TCE end 2014 after he moved to Veldhoven from Amsterdam. He is the treasurer of the church (as he is in daily life for ASML as well). He was born in Haarlem, studied Economics in Amsterdam and then lived and worked in four different countries on four different continents. Somewhere along the way…

Guido Crevecoeur

Guido Crevecoeur joined Trinity Church Eindhoven in 1995 (with a break from 2008 till 2013 when he lived in Shanghai) and has served as Warden since 2014; since 2016 he has also fulfilled the role of Associate Treasurer. He is married and has two daughters; he lives in Eindhoven and works for a major chemical…

John Nakka photo

John Nakka

John Suman Nakka works for his own company (epmdi b.v.) based in Eindhoven. He lives in Eindhoven with his family i.e., wife and two kids. John was born in Visakhapatnam, Andhra pradesh, India. In India, John was raised in a Lutheran family. In 2005, John moved to The Netherlands to pursue his PhD in Delft…

Rani Mary Joseph

Rani, originally from Kerala, India and now living in Eindhoven, joined Trinity Church Eindhoven in 2012 and has been a church council member since 2016. She’s also a leader in KidZchurch (children’s ministry) and one of the Zoom online meeting coordinators. Rani is a software professional working in an IT company in Veldhoven. She is…

Paul John Makau

Paul John Makau

Hello! My name is Paul John Makau — I love our Lord Jesus Christ as my Saviour. I and my family (my wife and two children) joined Trinity Church in 2013 and ever since we have enjoyed the compassion and care of the Trinity Church family. I am glad to be part of the Trinity…

Pamela Armstrong

Pamela grew up in Northern Ireland and came to faith in Christ at age seven.  After graduating in Youth and Community Work, she went with a mission organisation to work with families in inner city London. It was there that she met Andrew. They married, settled in the Netherlands and now have three vibrant offspring.…

Manju Sara Jacob

Manju grew up in Kuwait and did her university in India, her home country. Manju arrived in the Netherlands in 2006 to join her husband Bobby Daniel who has been part of Trinity Church Eindhoven since 2001. Along with Bobby, they live in Eindhoven with their three boys. Manju is a speech therapist and works…

Kris Pol

Kris Pol

B.A. Dartmouth College, 1989, worked various administrative functions in US before shifting to sales. Married and moved to NL in 1996, last of three children is still at home finishing high school. Stay at home mom, including volunteer work at elementary school. Came to faith at TCE in late 2001, baptized in 2004. Completed Education…