English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Welcome to Trinity Church Eindhoven

We are an English-speaking international church seeking to make and grow disciples of Jesus Christ

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Take Shelter under the Almighty Wings

One of the challenges we face in our Christian journey is maintaining consistency in our walk with the Lord. For some, following Jesus is difficult, and for others, it is intensely challenging, especially when living in a hostile environment. However, this does not mean that following Jesus is easy for those who do not face…

Capernwray students Outreach 2025

Another year, and we are thrilled to welcome the Capernwray students for their 10-day outreach program, a key part of their 6-month Winter Bible school. Our Youth Ministry Coordinator prepared an action-packed week for them, starting with an XEE day. On Sunday, they joined our church service and assisted with the prayers. During the week,…

Tests and Temptations

Satan tempts us to bring out the worst in us, but God tests us to bring out the best in us. A test or trial is a God-given opportunity for us to practice and thereby strengthen our spiritual relationship with the Lord. The cause of temptation stems from our old carnal nature when it is…

Listen to Him!

Listening is essential, especially in our Christian journey. When someone does not listen, it can feel as though you do not exist or are not part of the relationship. Without listening, there won’t be a connection. The first step in building a relationship is being heard and understood. The Israelites held Moses and Elijah in…

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