English-speaking church in Eindhoven

Manju Sara Jacob

Manju grew up in Kuwait and did her university in India, her home country. Manju arrived in the Netherlands in 2006 to join her husband Bobby Daniel who has been part of Trinity Church Eindhoven since 2001. Along with Bobby, they live in Eindhoven with their three boys. Manju is a speech therapist and works…

Kris Pol

Kris Pol

B.A. Dartmouth College, 1989, worked various administrative functions in US before shifting to sales. Married and moved to NL in 1996, last of three children is still at home finishing high school. Stay at home mom, including volunteer work at elementary school. Came to faith at TCE in late 2001, baptized in 2004. Completed Education…

Rajiv Besant

Rajiv Besant

Hello! My name is Rajiv Besant and I am excited to be a part of the church council at Trinity. I have been a member of this congregation for 4 years. Through my experiences, I have come to appreciate the love, support, and sense of community that is fostered here. I hope to help further…

Bala Joseph Asirvatham

Bala holds the position of Lay Synod representative from our church at the Archdeaconry of North-West Europe. He is also the member of the Church Council. In the past years he also held the position of Church Warden. He is appointed by the Bishop as Chalice Assistant to assist in the Holy Communion. Bala is…

Liesbeth Janssen

Liesbeth has been living in the Netherlands since 1998 and has been a TCE member since then. Born to Dutch parents, she grew up in Asia and studied in the UK. Now married to a Dutchman with whom she raises their three sons in both Dutch and English, she also works in marketing. She has…